Like A Pro Supps Complete Health 2.0

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Like A Pro Complete Health V2

Complete Health 2.0 by Like A Pro features everything in the original formula PLUS a powerful new blend of ingredients. Including PepZinGI™ zinc carnosine, MitoPrime™, MenaQ7®, Bergamot®, Rejuna®, Astragalus, NAC, MegaNatural-BP, Pine Bark Extract, and Ubiquinol CoQ10, this supplement supports your body from the inside out.

This combination of ingredients can help improve gut health, support cell rejuvenation, immune function, and genomic stabilization. They may also support healthy bones, cardiovascular function, liver function, blood pressure levels, blood flow, blood sugar levels, brain function, kidney health, cholesterol management and skin support.

We are committed to helping you live your best life and this new improved formula will allow you to do so! 

LAP Complete Health V2 Highlights

  • Heart health
  • Circulation health
  • Cholesterol health
  • Blood pressure health
  • kidney health
  • Liver Health
  • mitochondria health **NEW
  • Cellular health **NEW
  • Longevity Health **NEW
  • Gut health ** NEW
  • Immune health
  • Bone Health
  • inflammation health
  • Nutrient Absorption

Like A Pro Complete Health V2 Supp Facts

  • Vitamin C 500mg
  • Vitamin E 400 IU
  • Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate 18% yields 108mg  Traccs™️
  • Vitamin K-2 as menaquinone™️- 7 MK-7 180mcg

MenaQ7® is the only clinically validated, patented Vitamin K2 as MK-7 available on the market today. It is a highly pure, stable form to support healthy bones and cardiovascular function by activating proteins that help the body utilize calcium. At 180mcg dose of MenaQ7 resulted in improved bone mineral content and density, as well as bone strength

  • Vitamin D-3 as cholecalciferol- 5,000 IU
  • PepZinGI™️ zinc Carnosine 16mg

PepZinGI™ zinc carnosine which specifically helps with restoring the gastric lining, healing other parts of the gastrointestinal tract etc so improving gut health full dose of course



  • Astragalus 3,000mg

Astragalus - Studies have shown that Astragalus may positively impact those who have chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Antioxidants help protect your body from detrimental environmental factors, known as free radicals which can cause cellular damage. Researchers believe that polyphenols may provide cardiovascular health benefits largely due to their antioxidant properties, which can reduce inflammation.

  • Bergamote®️1,000mg

Bergamot®️ is a natural supplement designed to promote cardiovascular health and support healthy cholesterol levels. Bergamot is a citrus fruit that is rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Rejuna®️Arjuna 1,000mg

Rejuna® is a proprietary, wild-crafted arjuna extract known to support cardiovascular health and offer antioxidant properties. standardized to polyphenol content, Terminalia arjuna extracts have been shown to offer positive benefits for decreased blood pressure and healthy blood flow 

  • NAC N-acetyl cysteine 1,000mg

NAC - helps to replenish glutathione levels in the body. It also aids in regulating glutamate. Which may help improve liver function 

  • Mega Natural®️BP Grape seed extract 300mg

MegaNatural–BP is a patented, FDA no-objection GRAS ingredient shown to help support blood pressure levels that are already within normal range, and to help support normal arterial function. MegaNatural supports healthy blood pressure levels

  • 95% Pine Bark Extract 300mg

Pine bark extract-  can make a great addition to your nutritional arsenal for its potent antioxidant support, as well as its added support for blood flow, blood sugar, inflammation, immunity, brain function and skin support.

  • Ubiqunal CoQ10 200mg

Ubiquinol CoQ10  is one of the most powerful known antioxidants, defending cells from the potentially harmful overaccumulation of free radicals and oxidative stress. Free radicals are created when the body converts food into energy. They can damage cells, protein, DNA. The antioxidant properties in the active form of CoQ10 can help to minimise these negative side effects of energy production.

  • MitoPrime™️ L-ergothioneine 30mg

MitoPrime™️ At the full dose of 30mg That helps with cell rejuvenation, DNA health , immune , MitoPrime helps protect nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA, suggesting it acts as a genomic stabilizer, the #1 predictor of longevity.

  • Astragin®️ 50mg

  Aids in absorption of the other ingredients

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Complete Health

A great supplement for overall health.
